Telangana University M.Ed Exam Hall Tickets 2025


TU M.Ed 1st /4th Sem Hall Tickets: Telangana University M.Ed exams 2025. Candidates who desire to attend the TU M.Ed l, IV sem exams they’re anxiously awaiting their admit cards. Candidates can download it from the reliable internet site @ Candidates have to accumulate their name letters earlier than the date of the exam. Without the hall ticket candidates are not allowed to wait for the examination.

TU M.Ed Exam Hall Tickets 2025:

Telangana University is scheduled to behavior the M.Ed Exam. Candidates analyzing identical routes in TU and its affiliated schools want to attend the call letter. Candidates can download the TU M.Ed l, IV sem exam corridor tickets from the respectable website. TU offers numerous UG & PG guides. It offers high-quality schooling with an experienced college. Every year so many candidates are graduated from this college.

Telangana University TU M.Ed Exam Hall Tickets Download


 Telangana University  M.Ed Exam Hall Tickets Download

  •         Name of the University: Telangana University
  •         Name of the Exam: M.Ed
  •             Category: Hall Tickets
  •         Status: Available soon…
  •         Official internet site:
About Telangana University:

Telangana University was established through Act Number 28 of the State Government in the year 2006. The University was established with the objective to make higher education accessible to the educationally backward District of Nizamabad in Telangana. Telangana University has the prestigious NAAC “B” Grade with a good score of 2.61 in the first cycle assessment carried out in December 2015. The 8-member NAAC team visited the University on December 21, 22, and 23 in the year 2015, and has awarded a “B” grade. The University was initially launched with Six courses and it was opened in the PG building of the Govt. Giriraj College at Dubba area in Nizamabad town. The University was shifted on January 30th, 2009 to the sprawling 577-acre campus at Dichpally abutting the National Highway 44 on the Hyderabad – Nagpur highway. 

The University is the first among the newly formed universities in the state to get the University Grant Commission (UGC) 12B recognition. Thus, making itself eligible for the UGC grants. At least half a dozen teaching staff members have got the UGC-sponsored Major and Minor Projects. Many Research scholars have also got the Rajiv Gandhi National Fellow Ships offered by the UGC.

Steps to download the TU M.Ed l, IV Sem Call Letter 2025:
  •     Candidates log onto the professional internet site @
  •     Home web page could be displayed.
  •     Click on the TU M.Ed Exam Hall Tickets link.
  •     Exam dates could appear on the display screen.
  •     Candidates can check it.
  1. Download Here  TU M.Ed Exam Hall Tickets