MGU B.Ed Spl B.Ed 3rd Semester Fee Dates

MGU B.Ed Spl B.Ed 3rd Semester Fee Dates : Mahatma Gandhi University Nalgonda has B.ed Spl B.ed 3rd semester fee dates at the University Official website The students of the Mahatma gandhi University can check the fee data. MGU has uploaded BEd Spl Bed III semester fee dates on this web page.

MGU B.Ed Spl B.Ed 3rd Semester Fee Dates

MG University B.Ed Spl B.Ed 1st year II Semester Fee dates

MG University Nalgonda has informed that all students of B.Ed & Spl B.Ed 1st year 2nd semester (III semesters) Regular exam scheduled to be held in one in one month . The detailed time table will be uploaded to our website.
The timetable for the payment of the examination fee and the submission of the applications for examination to the competent authority is given below

MGU B.Ed Spl B.Ed 3rd Semester Fee Dates

Description Without Late Fee With Late Fee of Rs.200 / –
 For students
Payment of the examination fee and submission of the examination forms at their respective universities.
 To the Colleges
1. Submission of E.A.F. On-line
2. Transfer of the consolidated audit fee by SBH Challan Account No. 62422450289 (Bank code 21270)
 The submission of the printed EAF form along with NR & Fee Abstract etc should be made in the Exam Branch, MGU
Examination fee Structure:
The required examination fee is Rs.900 + Rs.60 / – (Memorandum of Marks), which means total charge of Rs.960 /

MGU B.Ed Spl B.Ed 3rd Semester Fee Dates

Note: No application will be accepted after the final date of submission from each college and also honored direction from every corner
Candidates are advised to submit examination fees before the last date. The detailed examination schedule will be announced very soon.
Click here: MG University B.Ed Spl B.Ed 3rd Semester Fee Dates Dates
Official website: