How to Apply for a Voter ID Card Online in Tamil Nadu

The Chief Electrator Officer of Tamil Nadu ensures that the citizens of India with more than 18 years of age have the electoral card. The electoral card has the details of the region, the area, and the part that determines the constituency. There is a person in Tamil Nadu to participate in the local and national elections. The electoral card is also proof of nationality and citizenship. A person can now easily apply for a voter ID card via the online and offline processes. Here is the step-by-step guide for using the Voter ID card in Tamil Nadu.

How to Apply for a Voter ID Card Online in Tamil Nadu

Step 1
The applicant must visit the Tamil Nadu Chief Electron Officer’s website to register and activate the account. The the tea is also used for the electoral card.
step 2
Once the registration and activation of the account are complete, the applicant must complete the form for the fresh application for the voter ID card. Form 6 must be completed by the applicant. All details in the form must be filled with small details. It should be known to the applicant that incorrect information may prompt the electoral commission to reject the application.
step 3
The Electoral Commission would like the applicants to provide evidence of the application and application procedure. Proof of birth, identity, and address must be submitted. Many documents can be submitted to support the same. The site contains specific lists of the documents required for registration. Generally, Aadhar Cacardsan is used for the same, but other documents can be submitted.




Step 4


Once submitted, the system would generate the reference number for the applicant. The reference number is decisive for the applicant and he or she can check the status of the application online with the number.
Step 5
The electoral card is sent to the registered address of the applicant by the Election Commission of India. The entire process takes about a month time provisional.
How to Apply for a Voter ID Card Online in Tamil Nadu

How to Apply for Voter ID Card Online in Tamil Nadu

Step 1
The user must find the electoral office or branch near the residential area. The Office should be visited by the applicant.
step 2
The applicant must complete the form for the fresh candidate. Form # 6 is also available in the offline language in the country language. The applicant must ensure that the information is correct. The application may reject the incorrect information.
step 3
The application should be submitted together with the supporting documents for the first verification purpose.
Step 4
After verification and acceptance, the applicant shall be given a reference number. This number can be used to check the status of the application online.
Step 5
The overall process takes about a month to review and others. The electoral commission sends the voter card to the registered address.
How to Apply for a Voter ID Card Online in Tamil Nadu

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