e-Aadhaar Download by Unique Identification Authority of India

E-Aadhaar Download by Unique Identification Authority Of India


A valid Aadhaar ID number is needed by citizens of India to be eligible for a variety of welfare benefits from the government. The Aadhaar card serves as an identification document for residence as well as identity proof. It is issued by the Unique Identifying Authority of India issues Aadhaar which is a 12-digit unique ID number (UIDAI). Individuals in India who have submitted an application to the Unique Identification Authority of India to obtain an Aadhar card but have not yet obtained it, or whose Aadhar card is lost may make an application to an organization called the Unique Identification Authority of India.

A person can download and print UIDAI Aadhaar with the enrollment identification, virtual ID, or Aadhaar number issued by UIDAI after registering to get your Aadhaar card through Aadhaar Centres or at Post-offices/Banks. Your e-Aadhaar will be an electronic replica of your Aadhaar that is password-protected and digitally signed by a UIDAI official. After a number has been issued, the user will need to follow the procedures below to get the Aadhar number. Customers can print their E-Aadhaar number after they have completed the enrollment process by downloading it through UIDAI’s official website.


Highlights of E- Aadhaar Card Download Online


Name E Aadhaar Download Online

Introduced By the Government of India

Department Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI)

Beneficiary Residents of India

The process of downloading is online

Official website https://uidai.gov.in/

Methods to Download E-Aadhaar Online

There are a variety of methods for downloading E-Aadhaar Online. Below are a few ways to download E-Aadhaar Online:

By Adhaar Number

Enrollment Number

By Virtual ID

e-Aadhaar Download by Unique Identification Authority of India

Steps to Download E-Aadhaar Card By Aadhaar Number

Applicants should follow the steps given below to download their E-Aadhaar card. Adhaar Number:

The first step is to go to the official website for The Unique Identification of India (UIDAI)

Steps to Download E-Aadhaar Card By Aadhaar Number

A home page of this site will appear on the screen.

Under the My Aadhaar tab, select the Download Aadhaar option.

Steps to Download E-Aadhaar Card By Adhaar Number

A new page will be displayed on the screen that offers three options to download i.e.,

Adhaar Number

Enrollment Number (EID)

Virtual ID (VID)

Choose the ADHAR Number option.

Now, enter your 12 digit Aadhaar Number

Click on I would like to have a masked aadhaar to allow you to download the hidden Aadhaar number.

Then you can Enter then the Captcha Code.

Click on the “Send OTP button.

After you have clicked the button to send the OTP button An OTP is sent to the mobile number you registered.

Enter the OTP in the space provided.

Following successful authentication, you can click the button to verify and download to download your e-Aadhaar ID card.

In the end, your e-Aadhar card will be loaded on your screen by using the Adhaar Number.


Steps to Download E-Aadhaar Card by Enrollment Number

Applicants must follow the steps given below to download their E-Aadhaar card. Enrollment Number

The first step is to visit the official website for UIDAI, the Unique Identification of India (UIDAI)

Steps to Download by Enrollment Number

A home page of this site will be displayed on the screen.

Under the My Aadhaar tab, select the Download Adhaar option.


Steps to Download E-Aadhaar Card by Enrollment Number

Then, a new screen will be displayed on the screen that offers three download options i.e.,

Adhaar Number

Enrollment Number (EID)

Virtual ID (VID)

Click on the Enrollment ID (EID) choice.

Now, enter your 14-digit Enrollment ID Number.

After that, you must enter your 14-digit date and time stamp which appears on your enrolment slip.

Click on I would like an unmasked adhaar to allow you to download the hidden Aadhaar number.

Then you can enter your Captcha Code.

Then, click the “Send” OTP button.

After you have clicked the button to send the OTP button After that, an OTP is sent to the mobile number that you have registered.

Enter the OTP in the provided space.

Following successful authentication, you can click the button to verify and download to download the e-Aadhaar.

Then, your e-Aadhar number will be downloaded to your screen by clicking on your Enrollment Number (EID) selection.

Steps to Download E-Aadhaar Card by Virtual ID

Applicants should follow the steps below to download E-Aadhaar Card using Virtual ID

To begin, go to the official website for The Unique Identification of India (UIDAI)

Steps to Download E-Aadhaar Card by Virtual ID

On the homepage, the site will be displayed on the screen.

Under the My Aadhaar tab, click the Download Aadhaar option.

Steps to Download E-Aadhaar Card by Virtual ID

A new page will appear on the screen that offers three download options i.e.,

Aadhaar Number

Enrollment Number (EID)

Virtual ID (VID)

Choose to select the Virtual ID (VID) option.

Enter your virtual 16-digit code.

Click on I would like to have a masked aadhaar If you would like to download the hidden Aadhaar number.

After that, you must enter your Captcha Code.

Then, click the “Send OTP button.

When you click the button to send the OTP button An OTP can be displayed to your registered mobile number.

Input the OTP in the space provided.

Once you have verified your identity, simply click the button to verify and download to download the e-Aadhaar.

Then, your E-Aadhar ID card will be downloaded to your screen via its Virtual ID (VID) option.


Steps to Download Your e-Aadhaar by Name and Date of Birth

To download the e-Aadhaar using the name of your birth date and the year of your birth. Applicants should follow the steps below:

The first step is to go to the official website for UIDAI, the Unique Identification of India (UIDAI)

Steps to Download Your e-Aadhaar by Name and Date of Birth

A home page of this site will be displayed on the screen.

Under the My Aadhaar tab, select the Find Lost or Forgotten UID option.

Steps to Download Your e-Aadhaar by Name and Date of Birth

A new tab will appear on the screen, with two choices i.e.,

Aadhaar Number

Enrolment ID (EID)

Choose the option to enroll.

Enter your complete name, as it appears when applying for an Aadhaar card.

Once you have entered the mobile number that you provided while applying for an Aadhaar card.

You can also use your registered email address instead of your mobile number.

Enter the captcha code then hit the “Send OTP button.

When you click the button to send the OTP button An OTP can be delivered to the mobile number that you have registered or your email address.

Enter the OTP in the appropriate space.

Then you must fill in all of the required details required to download your eAadhaar by name and date of Birth.


Steps to Check the Status of Aadhar

To verify the status of the Aadhar card applicants must follow the steps given below:

The first step is to go to the official website for The Unique Identification of India (UIDAI)

Steps to Check the Status of Aadhar

A home page of this site will appear on the screen.

Under the My Aadhaar tab, select the “Check Aadhaar status option.

Steps to Check the Status of Aadhar

A new page will appear at the top of the page.

Click on the Aadhaar Enrollment ID

Then, enter your Captcha Code. Click on the Check Status button.

After you have clicked the button to check the status of your aadhaar aadhaar’s appeared in the display.

Contact Us

For more information or in the event of any concern or query related to this E Aadhaar Card Download Online Feel free to contact at the details below:

Toll-free Number Toll-free Number: 1947

Email id: help@uidai.gov.in

E-Aadhaar Download by Unique Identification Authority of India

  1.  Download the Aadhaar Card Click Here

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