Board of Technical Education Uttar Pradesh Diploma Exam TimeTable 2025


The Board of Technical Education Uttar Pradesh (BTEUP) announced the notice of releasing the odd semester date sheet for Diploma courses on the official site. The aspirants studying Polytechnic courses need to get ready to attend the semester exams in December. The BTEUP Diploma semester Datesheet going to release in November. The release date of the BTEUP Polytechnic semester Time Table intimate on our website. The contenders to know the Uttar Pradesh Diploma Exam Schedule need to visit the official site regularly. The aspirants eagerly search for the exam dates on various sites. So to help them we have provided the link and downloading steps to get the timetable from the official site. To get more details about the date sheet give a glance at the below article.

UPBTE Polytechnic I/ III/ V Semester Exam Dates 

The BTE is a famous board for offering  Technical courses. Every year the board conducts the semester exams for all technical courses. Even now the board is going to conduct the odd semester exam for the Polytechnic courses. The students need to visit the official site to download the BTEUP Diploma semester Datasheet. The board is planning to conduct the semester exams in December. So mostly the board may release the date sheet in November. The board conducts the even and odd semester exam for diploma courses in a year. But the odd semester exam is conducted in December and the even semester exam will conduct in March or April. The contenders to get more details of the timetable visit the official site.

Uttar Pradesh Diploma 1st 3rd 5th-Semester Exam Schedule 

  • Name of the Board Board of Technical Education, Uttar Pradesh (BTEUP)
  • Examination Name BTEUP Polytechnic 1st 3rd 5th-Semester Examination
  • BTEUP Polytechnic 1st 3rd 5th-semester Exam Dates December
  • Article About BTEUP Diploma 1st 3rd 5th-semester  Timetable
  • Release Date of BTEUP Diploma 1st 3rd 5th semester Date Sheet November
  • Available date of UPBTE Polytechnic Sem Hall TicketNovember
  • Official  Website Address
Steps To Download BTEUP Polytechnic Semester Time Table 

The aspirants studying Diploma courses are going to get a date sheet on the official site. The applicants will get the date sheet one month before the examination. The contenders by using the UPBTE Diploma I/III/V semester Date Sheet can prepare for the exam well. The board uploaded the December odd syllabus on the official site. The contenders should be perfect with the syllabus to attend the exam well. The students need to visit the official site regularly to know the release date of the timetable. After uploading the date sheet, the aspirants can use the below link to get the date sheet from the official site. The students searching for data sheets on the official site can follow the below steps.
  • First, the aspirants need to open the official site.
  • The students need to visit the latest news tab on the index page.
  • Then search for the UPBTE Diploma I/III/V Sem Date Sheet and click on it.
  • The PDF file of the date sheet will display on the screen.
  • Contenders can download the date sheet and prepare for the exam well.
  • Click Here To Get UPBTE Diploma I/III/V semester Time Table
Available Dates of BTEUP Diploma semester Admit Card 
The contenders who applied for the semester exams will get the admit card on the official site. The students need to download the admit card by using the application number. The students get the BTEUP Polytechnic semester Hall Ticket in November. The available dates of the admit card are intimated on our website. The contender needs to visit the official site to know the admit card details. The students get the admit card with the details mentioned exam dates, timings, exam centers, the name of the students, etc. The contenders after getting the admit card need to check whether any mistakes done in the hall ticket. If any mistakes are found on admit card there immediately need to inform the office of the board.
BTEUP Polytechnic I/ III/ V semester Result  Declaration
The aspirants get diploma results within one or two months. The contenders get the result in the PDF file. In the form PDF file, the aspirants need to check their roll number. The aspirants will get the BTEUP Diploma Odd semester Result in February. After the announcement of the result, the applicant’s mark sheet is issued by the board. The aspirants need to collect the mark sheet from the respective college. Students to get details of the BTEUP Diploma Mark Sheet etc visit the official site.
UP Diploma Semester Revaluation Dates
The aspirants are not satisfied with the marks can apply for the revaluation and supply exams. The revaluation exam is conducted for the aspirants having doubts about the correction or want to increase their score etc. The contenders who want to apply for the rechecking exam need to fill out the BTEUP Diploma semester Revaluation Applications online. The students need to visit the official site to know the release dates of the application forms. The aspirant needed to pay the revaluation fee based on several subjects. The board will go through the answer sheet and a recheck will be done. Then the board will again allow the marks for the answer sheet. The contenders need to be in touch with our website to know revaluation exam updates.

BTEUP Diploma Odd semester Supply Notification 

The contenders who want clear their backlogs can apply for the supply exams. The board will conduct the supply exam one month after the declaration of the semester exams. The contenders need to reappear for the exam once again. The students to attend the supply exams need to fill out the application and submit it to the officials of the board. The contenders will get supply fee details on the official website. The aspirants need to visit the official site to get updates on supply exams. The aspirants should visit our website regularly to know the updates on the semester exams. The contenders having any doubts in the supplementary can ask us by mentioning below.
BTEUP Board of Technical Education Uttar Pradesh Diploma Exam TimeTable  Click Here