APOSS 10th Class Exam Results
APOSS SSC Result will be made available on the APOSS portal by ANDHRA PRADESH OPEN SCHOOL SOCIETY at www.apopenschool.org. APOSS will not release any physical copies of the results to candidates. After the release of the APOSS SSC result, candidates are also offered the chance to request revaluation and the retotalling process of answer scripts. The APOSS SSC Result Date will be announced soon.
The APOSS SSC Results link will also be posted to ease the lives of candidates eagerly awaiting their results. When results of the APOSS Class 10th Result will be released, applicants can get it using your SSC Hall ticket numbers.
The article we’ve collected important information on the APOSS SSC Results for readers who are eagerly awaiting this result. In this article, they can find details on the declaration date and how to get the results, details about the result and revaluation, as well as recounting mark sheets and more.
APOSS SSC Exam Results
Exam Name Exam Name of the Exam SSC exam that is a public one
Results of Article Category
Conducting Authority Andhra Pradesh Open School Society (APOSS), Amravati
Type of examination Public annual exam
Exams are conducted regularly Two times a year
Classes Secondary School Certificate (SSC)/Class (X)
Academic year
Exam session
State Andhra Pradesh
The declaration of the result TBA
The method of publication of results Online
Official website http://www.apopenschool.org
APOSS SSC Important Dates
Calendar of Events
Beginning of SSC public examinations
Examiners must be examined by the end of the day.
The declaration of the result
Andhra Pradesh Open School Society (APOSS) is an open school education organization located in the State of Andhra Pradesh. It primarily caters to the educational requirements of learners from elementary to intermediate stage who are unable to pursue their studies in the formal system because of various reasons.
AP Class 10th Open School Result
APOSS was established on the 20th Feb. 1991, by Government of Andhra Pradesh. It was first designed to address the needs of the drop-out students from AP under the open school systems. It offers educational opportunities through an online and distance learning for students who have dropped out or those who were unable to complete their schooling (due to different reasons) until pre-degree levels.
The APOSS program offers students who are unable to finish their education via the distance learning. It offers public exams for SCC and intermediate two times each year. Exams are held during the months of March/April, and Octoberor November every year.
The outcome of the recently held SSC exam is scheduled to be announced during August. Students who took the exam must be able to pass at least five subjects. They need to score at least 35% marks for each subject in order to take the test.
How do I check the the APOSS SSC Exam Result ?
The APOSS SSC exam takers can check their score following the step-by step instructions below.
Begin by opening the website for APOSS i.e. http://www.apopenschool.org.
Click on this link to access the “Result from SSC (APOSS) Public Examinations, ” link.
The search results is displayed.
Entre SSC (APOSS) Hall ticket no. and click on the “Submit” option.
The result sheet will be displayed.
Then, click then the “print” option to print an image of the card for later reference. It is however completely optional to print the results.
Information published in AP SSC online result
The APOSS SSC result sheet could contain the following information regarding the candidate’s performance and the result of the exam that is open to the public.
Name of the student
Roll number
Application No./Registration Number.
Hall ticket no.
The academic session is in full swing and Exam month
Date of Birth
Subject-wise marks
The marks obtained during the exam (if appropriate)
Examiners who have passed the theory test will receive marks.
All marks earned
Marks percentage of marks
Maximum/Total marks
Result status (pass/fail)
Other important details
The information provided in the online report sheet will only be used to serve as information for the candidate.
APOSS 10th Class SSC Exam Results
- A.P. Open school society,
- 3rd floor, Opp. PFUND. Stadium ‘E’ Goal,
- S.C.E.R.T Campus, Basheerbagh,
- Hyderabad – 500 001
- PIN code: 500001.
- Office Ph.Nr. +91 040-23299568,
- Mobile: 8008403525
APOSS 10th Class SSC Exam Results
APOSS 10th Class SSC Exam Results Click Here
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