Biography Of St Therese of Lisieux


St Therese of Lisieux (1873-1897) was a French Catholic who became a Carmelite nun at a young age. Her death was a mystery in the year 24. After her death, her autobiography The Story of a Soul was released and was a bestseller all over the world. The books explained the spiritual journey she took of selflessness and love and she was among only three women who were recognized as a doctor in the Catholic Church.


Short bio of St Therese of Lisieux

Therese-Lisieux-young from a young age, there was Therese’s aspiration and desire to be a saint. Born into a religious and loved Catholic family. She recollects the idyllic days of her childhood, being with her siblings and parents in the idyllic French countryside. But this early childhood bliss was destroyed due to the sudden loss of her mother (from cancer of the breast). When she was just 4 years of age, she was feeling the loss of her mother and immediately reached out to Mary Virgin Mary for comfort and comfort. The next few years of Saint Therese’s life were filled with internal turmoil. There was a sense of discontent at school, and her precociousness and devotion to God led to other students being insecure. In the end, her father arranged to allow Therese to go home and receive instruction from her older sibling, Celine.


She loved being educated at home. However, after a time, her oldest sister decided to move out of the house and join an institution called the Carmel Convent in Lisieux. This caused Therese to feel as if she’d lost her mother. Soon afterward, Therese suffered from a severe disease, during which she experienced thoughts of delusions. Doctors were confused as to what was the reason. For the next three weeks, she was suffering from a fever that reached 103. Finally, Therese felt completely healed after her sister placed an idol of the Virgin Mary at the foot of her bed. Therese noticed that her health and mental condition returning to normal quickly. After Christmas Eve, 1884, she recalls experiencing an extraordinary change of heart. She claims she lost the desire to indulge in her own needs. Instead, she was struck by an intense need to be a prayer for others’ souls and to forget her own. According to her, at this point, she was able to shed her youth and found an overwhelming desire to join the convent at the incredibly young age of 15.

St Therese was inspired to pray for the sinners. While her father attempted to keep newspapers from the house but she began to learn about the notorious and intransigent killer Henri Pranzini, who was scheduled to be executed in 1887. Therese requested the last-minute conversion of Pranzini and was able to read the newspaper his last-minute attempt to grab the crucifix when he approached the scaffold. He was able to kiss his wounds Jesus 3 times, before being executed.



St. Therese’s appearance with Pope

Initially, the Church officials were hesitant to permit the girl who was too young to be allowed to join holy orders. They suggested that she return when she turned 21, and “grown-up”. But when Therese’s heart was set, she could not be patient; she was convinced that God wanted her to live a quiet life. Therese became so determined, she went to the Vatican to make a personal appeal to the Pope. She broke with protocol and addressed the Pope, asking permission to enter an order of nuns. A bit shocked, Pope Leo XIII replied: “Well, my child, do what the superiors decide.” Then, shortly after her heart’s wish was fulfilled, and she was allowed to join her sisters in the Carmelite convent in Lisieux.

“Our central pillar is God the lever of our prayer; prayer that burns with love. We can use that to raise the world!”

– St Therese

St. Therese Convent’s life wasn’t without hardships. It was cold and the accommodation was not a priority. Some sisters were not warm to the 15-year-old girl. Sometimes she was the subject of gossip one of her bosses had an extremely harsh view of the girl who was a “spoilt middle-class” girl. But, Therese sought always to react to gossip and criticism by expressing her love. Whatever others might say, Therese responded by denying her ego. Then the nun who condemned Therese in so many ways stated. ” Why do you always smile at me? Why do you remain so sweet even when I have treated you with disrespect? ”

Love draws the love of a person, mine is rushing to Thee, it will surely fill up the abyss, which draws it, but it’s not even an ounce of dew sunk to the Ocean. To love Thou as Thou loves me, I must beg Thy love, and only then, will I rest.

– St Therese

That was what she called the “little way” that Therese was determined to follow. Her philosophy was that the most important thing was not doing huge work and doing small actions with an attitude of affection. She believed that as long as one keeps a positive attitude and attitude, nothing will remain which isn’t possible to accomplish.

Therese aspired to become a missionary and go across Africa as well as China. However, her illness slowed the plans and she was forced to remain within the monastery.

In the final stages of her life, as she became increasingly bedridden at the time, St. Therese was urged by senior nuns to document her method of spirituality. She composed three books to explain the “little way” and included her own spiritual autobiography “Story of a Soul”.

“The God of the universe” God does not require years to complete His mission of love within an individual soul. A single shining ray of His Heart can instantly let His flower bloom forever …”

– St Therese

Biography Of St Therese of Lisieux


St Therese passed away tragically young in her 24th year of tuberculosis. But after her death her writings were read by others, then other nuns, then the larger Catholic community. While initially intended for a select group of readers her works have since been published again. In 1997, St. Therese was proclaimed one of only three female Doctors in the Catholic Church (there are 33 priests of the church in all). So, after her death, she was able to fulfill the intuition that she could be capable of doing something significant and assisting in saving souls.

St. Therese was made canonized through Pope Pius XI on May 17, 1925, which was only two years later than her demise.

Pope Francis (elected in 2013) has declared that the saint of St Therese is his most beloved saint and has a photo of her in his bookcase. In explaining his decision to choose saints, St Therese, Pope Francis remarked

“Do not be afraid to depend solely on the tenderness of God as Saint Therese of Lisieux did, who, for this reason, is a beloved daughter of the Blessed Mother and a great missionary saint.”

He also said: “When I have a problem I ask the saint, not to solve it, but to take it in her hands and help me accept it.”


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